Apple & Raspberry Bircher Muesli

Serves 2
50g oats
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
100mls of fresh orange juice
1 teaspoonful of grated orange rind
1 apple grated
200mls milk (or dairy free alternative – almond, coconut or oat milk)
1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
2 tbsp natural yoghurt
Handful of raspberries (or other berries in season) plus extra to decorate
Sprinkling of pistachio – whole or chopped, on top
Combine the oats, vanilla, apple, orange juice, honey and milk in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Stir the orange rind through the muesli and top with yoghurt and raspberries, divide the mixture into 2 bowls or jars if taking it with you to work.
Add pistachios on top of the muesli before serving.
Bircher Muesli has an interesting history. It is the creation of Maximilian Bircher -Benner, a Swiss doctor and nutritionist, who developed it for patients at his Zurich sanatorium at the turn of the last century aimed at encouraging his patients to eat more fresh fruit. He was certainly on the right track!
There are lots of variations of this breakfast dish and many of these prepared by well known chefs are summarised in an article below. So if you want to find what Jamie Oliver, Yotam Ottolenghi or indeed how The Wolseley restaurant in London prepare their version of Bircher Muesli, have a read of the following article by The Guardian newpaper which we have linked for further recipe ideas.
- Category: Breakfast
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